Request for Proposals To Provide Re-Roof Construction Services


RFP Details


Housing New Mexico (“Owner”) is a governmental instrumentality, separate and apart from the state, created by the Mortgage Finance Authority Act, NMSA Sections 58-18-1 to 27 for the purpose of financing affordable housing for low- and moderate-income New Mexico residents.


The purpose of this Request for Proposals (RFP) is to solicit proposals, in accordance with the Housing New Mexico Procurement Policy, from qualified general contractors that by reason of their skill, knowledge, and experience are able to furnish Re-Roof Construction Services to Housing NM (“Offerors”) to install a new roof on Housing NM’s new headquarters located at 7425 Jefferson St. NE, 87109.  

Project Description

This project is the re-roof of the existing 2-story, ±44,978 square feet REDW Building at 7425 Jefferson Street NE. The roof is approximately ±23,000 square feet with existing solar panels which need to be removed, stored and re-installed. The Offeror will be required to coordinate new roof penetrations with the Owner’s General Contractor who will be renovating the interior of the Building and with tenant to maintain the Project Schedule.

Contact Person:

Proposal Documents (RFP, construction drawings, & specifications) may be obtained from the Design Professional of Record as follows:

Design Professional of Record:
Mullen Heller Architecture, P.C.
Douglas Heller, AIA

1718 Central Avenue SW, Suite D
Albuquerque, NM 87104

Telephone: 505.268.4144
Email: doug@mullenheller.com

Proposal Submission and Due Date:

The original and three (3) copies of a proposal must be received by Housing NM at its office, located at 344 Fourth Street S.W., Albuquerque, NM 87102, by no later than Thursday, August 22, 2023, at 2:00 p.m., Mountain Time.  Proposals shall be in sealed envelopes marked “Response to RFP to Provide Construction Services.”

Bid Proposals are to be submitted on the forms provided with the Bid Proposal documents (Bid Form, Construction Drawings, and Project Manual) (see "Part V: Proposal Format and Instructions to Offeror" ). Fill in all required blanks legibly, in ink or by typewriter. Any alteration must be initialed by the individual signing the Bid Proposal. Sums shall be expressed in both words and figures. In the event of a discrepancy between the two, the words will govern. Bid Proposals shall be signed with the name and title/position of the person or persons authorized to bind the Offeror to a contract. 

Bid Proposals in which acceptance is in some manner restricted or conditioned by the Offeror will be reviewed by the Owner. If the limitations imposed are not in the best interest of Owner or are prejudicial to other Offerors, the Bid Proposal will be rejected.

Bid Proposals received after the time and date established will not be accepted and shall be returned unopened.

Frequently Asked Questions