HOPWA Request for Proposals - Program Years 2023-2028

RFP Training - March 22, 2023 (9am-12pm)

View Training from March 22


Housing NM is the state formula grantee for the HUD Housing Opportunity for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) Formula Grant
Program governed by the AIDS Housing Opportunities Act, 42 USC Sec. 12910 et. Seq. (the Act); HOPWA Program
rule, 24 CFR 574 as amended, and the Consolidated Plan rule, 24 CFR 91 as amended (the Regulations). Housing NM has also
been designated by the City of Albuquerque as the administering agency for the HOPWA funds awarded to the City
of Albuquerque.

This Request for Proposals (RFP) is issued pursuant to Housing NM’s Procurement Policy to solicit proposals from qualified
Offerors capable of providing Program Services to eligible individuals and households according to the U.S.
jof Housing and Urban Development’s Office of HIV/AIDS Housing. The term of this RFP will cover the
2023‐2025 program years with potential extensions for program years 2025‐2026, 2026‐2027 and 2027‐2028 in
accordance with 24 CFR 574 and the HOPWA Desk Guide published by HUD at
https://www.hudexchange.info/programs/hopwa/. Funding will be made through a competitive process to eligible
Offerors. The estimated funding available for the 2023‐2024 program year is $1,227,236.


Activity Date
RFP Released upon Board approval/posted to Housing NM website 3/16/2023
RFP training (virtual) 3/22/2023
“FAQ” opens on Housing NM website 3/28/2023
FAQs answered 3/29/2023
FAQs answered 4/05/2023
FAQs answered 4/12/2023
RFP submission DEADLINE 4/18/2023
Housing NM to notify Offerors of deficiency items 4/20/2023
DEADLINE for deficiency corrections 4/27/2023
Award Notification sent to Offerors 5/11/2023
Protest Period begins 5/11/2023
Protest Period ends 5/16/2023
Present Award Recommendations to Housing NM Board 6/21/2023
Contracts Sent upon Board Approval 6/22/2023
Contracts DUE to Housing NM 6/29/2023


Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) Request for Proposals - Program Years 2023-2028


Questions pertaining to this RFP and application must be submitted via Housing NM’s website at RFPs, RFQs, & NOFAs.

Select the HOPWA RFP.
Select “Services FAQs” link to HOPWA RFP.

The FAQ will open on March 28, 2023 and will CLOSE April 12, 2023.
To submit your questions, scroll down to the “Ask a question” section, enter your name, email address, and type your question in the “Question” box. Housing NM will post answers once a week as follows: March 29, April 5 and April 12.

Note: Questions may not be asked outside of this format in order for all applicants to have equal opportunity to obtain information.

Frequently Asked Questions: Answers and Responses

Question 1:

I would like to clarify this statement from the RFP:

The Offeror shall not subcontract any portion of the services to be performed under this Agreement without the prior written approval of Housing NM.

We pay an outside individual to perform our housing inspections and lead based paint assessments. This individual is fully certified to do both. Southwest CARE employees are not able to complete these inspections and assessments because we are not authorized to do home visits due to liability concerns. Is this a situation that would be considered sub-contracting? Do we need Housing NM approval to use this outside individual for our inspections and assessments?

Also, HOPWA eligible individuals often complete applications at the two other primary HIV medical/case management organizations in town ( UNMH Truman Health Services and First Nations Community Health Source). Those applications are then forwarded to Southwest CARE for audit/approval. The reason for this is that many of those eligible for HOPWA are not enrolled for services at Southwest CARE. These individuals get their case management from the above mentioned organizations. In this situation would Truman and First Nations be considered sub contractors?


According to the HOPWA RFP, Housing NM must approve any subcontractors paid by an Offeror awarded with HOPWA funds. In the event an Offeror is selected that chooses to subcontract for services to complete housing inspections, Housing NM would discuss the specific circumstances with the service provider and provide written approval for this on a case by case basis.

It is not considered "subcontracting" for a HOPWA service provider to work with case managers who are not directly employed by that service provider since there is no exchange of funds.  If the service provider paid a portion of that case manager's salary with HOPWA funds, this would again need to be approved in writing by Housing NM on a case by case basis.

Question 2:

Where can I access the training listed in the RFP under 12.1.1. Scoring – Organizational Capacity?


Follow the links for each training and submit documentation and completion date, for any trainings you complete, with your RFP application. The following documentation is acceptable:

  • - Outline/Agenda of training
  • - Certification received at completion

1. Income Calculations - NM Hopwa Income Calculations Training.pptx

2. Lead-Based Paint Visual Assessment Training - https://apps.hud.gov/offices/lead/training/visualassessment/h00101.htm

3. Housing Quality Standards (HQS) Training/Certification - https://upcsinspectors.com/hqs-training-online/

Question 3:

I would like to clarify how we should submit our RFP response. I'm concerned that it will be impossible to email one document with all the requested pieces in order listed on the checklist because the file will be too big to successfully email.  Can you please advise as to what our options are to get you the full RFP in a way that is practical and easy for you to review?


Section 2.1, Proposal Submission, states, “Proposals will only be accepted by email.” There is another Housing NM program that just completed the RFP process and they have reported that none of the applicants expressed difficulty in either attaching or uploading their application documents. Housing NM will allow HOPWA RFP documents to be provided by either email or through our secure file transfer system. If any applicant needs instructions for uploading documents through the secure file transfer system, they may contact the Program Coordinator through the information in the RFP.

Question 4:

On the Submission Checklist, (page 18 of RFP), there is a field under “Other Requested Information” that asks for “Agency’s Board of Directors structure (form provided)” – there is no form in the RFP packet. Please advise.


This was overlooked by Housing NM. Applicants may provide a list of their Board members/structure without a specific form provided by Housing NM.  Also, further down that list there is a field that asks for “List of counties to be served (form provided)” to which this same response applies:  applicants may provide a separate list of all counties they propose to serve, without a specific form provided by Housing NM.

Question 5:

In the unlikely event that we do have issues with getting all documentation to send in one email can the application be broken up and sent in multiple emails? Or at that point would it be preferred to utilize the secure file transfer system?


Since Part 2, Section 2.1 states, “Proposals will only be accepted by email,” applicants should plan to submit all related documents to Housing NM as directed in the RFP, to the Program Coordinator for Community Development at marmijo@housingnm.org.

Question 6:

Can you clarify what you consider to be the dates for “FY 22” so that we can be sure to get you the information for the time period you are concerned about?


Housing NM considers “FY 22” to be the period from October 1, 2022 to September 30, 2023.

Please remember: Housing NM strongly encourages all applicants not to wait until the day of the deadline to submit the HOPWA RFP application. 

This concludes the period of the FAQ questions and answers for the HOPWA RFP.