New Mexico Energy$mart 2023-2027 Tribal Territories - Request for Proposals (RFP)

Replay: Energy$mart 2023-2027 Tribal Territories TRAINING

Document: NM Energy$mart 2023-2027 Tribal RFP.pdf

New Mexico Energy$mart 2023-2027 Tribal Territories - Request for Proposals (RFP) Overview:

Housing NM operates the NM Energy$mart Program “NME$ Program”, a Weatherization Assistance Program “WAP” funded by the U.S. Department of Energy “DOE” and other funding sources through which service providers weatherize homes for income-eligible homeowners, renters and multifamily development owners. The mission of the WAP program is to reduce energy costs for low-income families, particularly for the elderly, people with disabilities and young children, by improving the energy efficiency of their homes while ensuring their health and safety. The Program uses the most advanced technologies and testing protocols available in the housing industry. In addition to the comfort, health benefits and energy savings for the household, the energy conservation resulting from the efforts of state and local agencies helps our country reduce its dependence on foreign oil and our carbon footprint.

The purpose of this Request for Proposals “RFP” is issued pursuant to Housing NM’s Procurement Policy to solicit proposals from qualified Offerors capable of providing program services from 2023-2027 in accordance with 10 CFR 440, the NM Energy$mart Standards, the NM Energy $mart Administrative Handbook and all applicable Generally Accepted Accounting Principles “GAAP”. Housing NM is the direct grantee for the U.S. Department of Energy “DOE” Weatherization Assistance Program “WAP” and submitted a grant application (State Plan) for New Mexico to the DOE for program year “PY” 2023-2024 WAP funding which can be located for review at Home Repair and Energy Efficiency - State Plans


NM Energy$mart Tribal RFP Training to be held 9/7/23 at 10:00am, please follow the link below to register and join live. This training will also be recorded and linked here for those who are unable to attend:

REPLAY: Energy$mart 2023-2027 Tribal Territories TRAINING 9/7/23


Activity Date
Housing NM Published RFP 8/16/2023
RFP Training 9/7/2023
RFP FAQs on Website 9/8/2023 - 9/15/2023
Deadline for receipt of RFP 9/15/2023
Deficiency Correction Period begins 9/18/2023
Deficiency Correction Period ends 9/20/2023
Preliminary Award Notice sent to offerors 9/25/2023
Protest Period begins 9/25/2023
Protest Period ends 9/29/2023
Present Award Recommendations to Housing NM Board of Directors 10/18/2023
Final Notification of Awards upon Housing NM Board Approval 10/18/2023
Final award letters are sent to selected Service Provider(s) 10/18/2023


Questions pertaining to this RFP and application must be submitted via Housing NM’s website.

The FAQ will open on September 8, 2023 and will CLOSE September 15, 2023.

To submit your questions, scroll down to the “Ask a question” section, enter your name, email address, and type your question in the “Question” box. Housing NM will make every attempt to post response to questions within 48 hours of submission.

*Note: Questions may not be asked outside of this format in order for all applicants to have equal opportunity to obtain information.

Ask A Question:

Frequently Asked Questions, Answers and Responses:

  • Question 1: No expectation of anything being done the first part of 2024?
    • Answer: That is correct, no unit production is required. It is only for preparation and training purposes for the new offeror.
  • Question 2: An offeror just recently submitted documents to NM to become a registered charity. We are registered in AZ, MT, and Navajo Nation.  Our documents for FY'19-'21 to the state of NM have been received. For FY'22 we have been approved for an extension as our 990 are still being finalized. Will this disqualify us from applying?
    • Answer: This can be granted temporarily. If the state of NM does not issue approval, then you will be disqualified.
  • Question 3: Why is builder’s risk insurance required? Insurance agents suggest that this is not applicable to remodeling homes.
    • Answer: Builder's risk insurance is required in order to be consistent with other Housing NM programs. If the offeror does not have this insurance, Housing NM will work with the offeror to help find this insurance.
  • Question 4: The insurance agent has indicated that we would not be able to obtain builders risk or medical payments. As a social service organization these are coverages we do not need. If required and can this requirement be passed on to selected subcontractor? Can these costs be included in our submitted budget?
    • Answer: As an entity that provides these services to homes, it is a requirement for Housing NM's programs. If the offeror does not have this insurance, Housing NM will work with the offeror to help find this insurance.
  • Question 5: Why is insurance required the first six months?
    • Answer: Insurance will be required if performing work on units. If the offeror is not providing services on units, then the offeror will need to provide insurance by July 1, 2024.
  • Question 6: Offeror has a policy and procedures for internal controls. The document is not signed by the Board. Is this a requirement or is the document by itself OK.
    • Answer: This document is required to have signatures by the board to be eligible for scoring.
  • Question 7: Can contractor's license MM98 be used in lieu of GB-02?
    • Answer: Yes, as it will assist with the Scoring Criteria.
  • Question 8: How much of the allocated funding can be directed towards administrative costs? Is case management considered an administrative cost?
    • Answer: For DOE funds, 10% of admin is awarded to the subrecipients. Case management is not administrative if the staff is working directly with the clients.
  • Question 9: Is the full two pages required for construction services?
    • Answer: No, it is up to two pages for the scoring.
  • Question 10: Do we need to have the Construction Experience before the Executive Summary?
    • Answer: Yes, it is better if the RFP response follows the same format as the RFP.
  • Question 11: Why do we need auto and pollution costs?
    • Answer: The auto and pollution costs are required for other Housing NM programs, and are covered by the program overhead if allocated properly.
  • Question 12: Where can I find details on what is considered an admin cost?
    • Answer: Training can be made available post award to help determine what are allowable administrative costs. the 2 CFR 200 is a good starting point.
  • Question 13: What budget detail is needed for the budget assumptions?
    • Answer: This detail is needed to see what costs and contractor titles you will be subcontracting.
  • Question 14: Is case management admin?
    • Answer: Not if they are directly working with clients.
  • Question 15: What kind of detail is needed for a cost allocation plan?
    • Answer: Housing NM wants to see cost percentages going towards each program.
  • Question 16: Why is Jicarilla part of the Navajo Nation?
    • Answer: Jicarilla is not part of the Navajo Nation
  • Question 17: Are program staff conducting client intake and processing applications a program or administrative cost?
    • Answer: Intake may be charged to administrative costs but can also be considered a program cost because of the nature of the expense as it is related to program operations. It is more commonly charged to the program expense category.